Search code examples

chrome.tabs.Tab is undefined from popup.js script

I was going through the Chrome extension "Getting started guide":

and one section mentions this code

     {code: ' = "' + color + '";'});

I am getting an undefined error on tabs[0].id. Now the API documentation states that chrome.tabs.Tab is accessible but I can't seem to get it. What am I doing wrong?


  • You must query the tabs.

    If you want to execute the code in all tabs. You can use this code.

    chrome.tabs.query({}, function(tabs) {
        var message = {foo: bar};
        for (var i=0; i<tabs.length; ++i) {
            chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, {
                    code: ' = "' + color + '";'

    If you want to execute the code only in the current tab. You can use this code.

    chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
        chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id, {
                code: ' = "' + color + '";'