I have a sass-lint.yml file with the following rule:
- 1
- convention: '^([a-zA-Z]*)(__[a-z]+)?(-[a-z]*)*(--[a-z]+)?$'
The regex can be checked here: https://regex101.com/r/SsVde6/2
Unfortunately I can't get it to work properly.
In the regex tester you see what kind of things I want to include.
The first part of the Class name can be PascalCase from then on BEMified (BEM) kebabcase (e.g.: this-is-kebab-case
– all lowercase with dashes in between)
A very common pattern would look like:
Quite a few things work already, but I would like to evaluate nested BEM selectors in my scss files as well:
&__burgerCross {…}
or &__burger_cross
or &__burger__cross
for example should be evaluated as false. This would have to be &__burger-cross
But I don't really know how to handle the nested rules.
Any help on sass-lint and regex is very welcome.
The thing I wanted was
I would like to evaluate nested BEM selectors in my scss files as well:
My regex was actually already highlighting all the wanted cases and the not wanted were not matched. The problem was, that the linter cannot lint nested BEM selectors. :(. Read about it here: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/issues/339#issuecomment-72404341
So not much we can do here.