I wrote a custom FirebaseRecylerAdapter, based on FirebaseUI documentation like this:
class FavoritesAdapter(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner) : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Favorite, FavoritesAdapter.FavoritesHolder>(buildOptions(lifecycleOwner)) {
companion object {
private fun buildQuery() = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()
private fun buildOptions(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner) = FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<Favorite>()
.setQuery(buildQuery(), Favorite::class.java)
This class overrides an onDataChanged() function:
override fun onDataChanged() {
// Called each time there is a new data snapshot. You may want to use this method
// to hide a loading spinner or check for the "no documents" state and update your UI.
// ...
Now, how do I actually check for that "no documents" state in order to update my UI? I can find no way to check for an empty data-set. I am looking for something like getItemCount().
The adapter does have an itemCount
property and you can also use snapshots
to get a live list of your model objects. Example:
override fun onDataChanged() {
if (itemCount == 0) {
// Do stuff