What I'm trying to do is determine if a specific version of a specific package is installed to use in a when clause later in my playbook. I've gotten far enough to get what effectively is a true/false for the package being installed, but haven't been able to put the pieces together for the version check.
Here is what I've got so far:
- name: Yum list of installed rpms
list: installed
register: yum_installed
- name: Get tar version info
yum_test: "{{yum_installed|json_query(jsonquery) }}"
jsonquery: "results[?name=='tar']"
- debug:
msg: "Success"
when: yum_test|json_query([?version=='1.62'])
This the error that I end up getting:
The conditional check 'yum_test|json_query([?version=='1.62'])' failed.
The error was: template error while templating string: unexpected char u'?' at 26.
String: {% if yum_test|json_query([?version=='1.62']) %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}
If I take a look at the yum_test
fact I created, it looks like this:
u'envra': u'2:tar-1.26-31.el7.x86_64',
u'name': u'tar',
u'repo': u'installed',
u'epoch': u'2',
u'version': u'1.26',
u'release': u'31.el7',
u'yumstate': u'installed',
u'arch': u'x86_64'
It seems to me that my issue is the list is being saved as a unicode object... but I'm not sure how to clean it up. I've tried using to_yaml
and to_json
with no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or has a better way to do what I'm attempting?
Following additions fix my issue:
"{{ yum_test |json_query(\"[?version=='\" + tar_version + \"']\") }}"