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What best practice techniques should I observe when building a Microsoft Access database application that will facilitate future scalability?

I have a hard requirement to construct a database and application using Microsoft Access, and business requirements are still very fluid. I anticipate a move from Access to a browser based solution. There are a number of solutions available to move the database to a new platform, so I am more concerned about front end development. What can I do now in Access to design my business logic and UI code to make the future move with a minimum of pain and rework?


  • Well, if you write code in c++, but then want to use web code such as JavaScript, then you talking about a VERY different kind of language and programming.

    Also if you write code in JavaScript, but plan to use say FoxPro, or say c# in the future, then once again you using a very different programming language.

    So at the end of the day, the programming language in Access is VBA, and it certainly not going to run in

    However, you can dump c# and use

    If you adopt, then significant parts of your VBA code WILL transfer over to say + MVC.

    Unless you willing to flat out state that you going to choose for the application, then you question makes zero sense, and has VERY little relevance to and the code you write.

    You can’t use the code you write in Access for the future project, so it really a lame question on your part.

    However, if you stating that you willing to use in place of c#, then YES you can adopt a number of approaches that will allow much of your code to be used with very little changes with

    So the main suggesting here is that since your code will be written in VBA, if you REALLY are asking an honest question here, and REALLY want to have code transfer over to, then the best suggestion would be to use with Visual studio.

    While forms code in Access don’t transfer over to, the standard code modules, and ALSO the class objects you write in Access WILL transfer over with VERY few changes. (Assuming you adopt

    What this means is that you likely want to ensure that “general” code routines are NOT place in the forms, but placed in standard code modules.

    However, if you not willing to adopt as your programming language for the application, then your question really does not make sense since VBA and c# are so vastly different.

    So the BEST choice would be to use, since then code modules written in VBA/Access will transfer to with VERY little change. The same goes for class object code you write + create in Access, and once again such class object code written in Access/VBA can be moved to with near zero changes. So the class objects you write in VBA do transfer VERY well to

    Now if this question was about data structures and tables, then there are other tips, but your question was limited to writing code, and not the database or data system you plan to use. (that would be a DIFFERENT and NEW question as opposed to how to write code in Access that transfers over to (and the answer is simple - use +

    To prevent further downvotes, I will demonstrate this with REAL code.

    Suppose you need a routine that after you select a file, you want to check if the file exists in a folder, and if it does, then you append a number.

    So if exists, then the routine is to return

    This is a common bit of code. The following code from Access works fine, and was THEN USED IN A PRODUCTION application. Because I chose, then I was able to paste in the VBA code DIRECTLY from Access, and use this code in a REAL LIVE production application. Note how the code is 100% the same in VBA, and that of

    Public Function GetServerFile(strFile As String) As String
        Dim strDir As String
        Dim strF As String
        Dim i As Integer
        strDir = UpLoadFolderPath()
        ' check if file already exist - start increment -N to file name
            If i = 0 Then
                strF = strDir & strFile
                strF = strDir & FileOnly(strFile) & "-" & i & ExtOnly(strFile)
            End If
            If FileExists(strF) = False Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            i = i + 1
        GetServerFile = strF        ' return
    End Function

    So the above is RESOUNDING proof of my post here.

    The posters question is 100% legitimate.

    If you choose for your asp web application, then many of the class objects you create and write in VBA will move over to

    And in this example, it was not even a class object, but code cut + pasted from a Access application VBA, and simply placed into a code module in ( allows both class modules, or to simply add a code module like you do in access).

    The code runs fine in both Access and in

    The code is used after a file upload in to prevent file collisions and increment the file name with 02, 03 etc. Thus code written many moons ago in Access is running in, and it runs without any modifications.