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Hand cursor on hover over textfield

I know about the buttonMode property on a MovieClip (to get the hand cursor on hover) and I'm looking to do the same with a TextField, but it doesn't seem to implement this property. Does anyone know if there's anything similar or, failing that, another way to control the cursor for the textfield?

@James: I'm extending the MovieClip class and then creating objects from inside the cllass (including the textfield) in code, which complicates things a bit (if only in my fragile brain). The weird thing is that I've set buttonMode = true on the MC, and it applies to everything except the TextField, when it reverts to the caret (or just the pointer if I set Selectable = false on the TextField).

@ForYourOwnGood: Point taken about usability, but I want the textfield to be a seamless part of a bigger object, and it just doesn't feel right without the hand cursor. What you supplied sounds like just what I need, but it looks like it's Flex specific? I can't find the equivalent in Flash (specifically CS4), despite trawling through LiveDocs. Am I being dim? :S


  • try adding

    mouseChildren = false; (in the class that extends MovieClip)

    It should stop the textfield from being mouse enabled.