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BulkSynchronize a subset of data

I'm using EF extensions and want to synchronise a subset of data.

For example my table:

|A   |1    |
|B   |2    |
|B   |3    |
|A   |4    |
|A   |5    |

New data comes

|B   |6    |
|B   |7    |
|B   |8    |

And I want to replace all Bs without touching As to get

|A   |1    |
|B   |6    |
|B   |7    |
|B   |8    |
|A   |4    |
|A   |5    |

Is there any way to achieve that using bulk operations?


  • Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Extensions

    You are looking for the ColumnSynchronizeDeleteKeySubsetExpression options.

    For example, only type that will be equal to a type from your new data (so only B type) will be deleted:

    ctx.BulkSynchronize(list, options => options.ColumnSynchronizeDeleteKeySubsetExpression = c  => c.Type);

    Let me know if you need some help to implement it.