I just started working on a project that uses git as a repository. I've actually never used a version control system before as I'm a devloper team of one. From what I understand if you create a branch of a local repository, select that branch in elcipse & then make changes to the code. You should then be able to select the original master branch & you wouldn't then see those changes provided you hadn't merged.
What's confusing me is that when I switch back to the master the changes I made in the new branch are in there...even though I haven't merged.
I'm obviously misunderstanding the whole thing....any ideaS'S Thanks.
I think a great resource for learning Git is Pro Git. It's a book, but you can read it online. The first chapters teach you the basics on Version Control and git basics.
Also, check this question, where some git tutorials are listed.
Even if you are looking for a quick start guide, I encourage you to take the time to read at least the first three chapters of Pro Git. This will give you a good general understanding of how to use a version control system, some git basics, and the power of branching and merging. Then check out the tutorials on the second link I posted.
Regarding egit, there's some documentation on its official site. Once you get the hand on git, it will be easier to learn how to use egit.