Have 4 IIS servers... one is on v 6.2, another on v 7.5, another on v 8 and another on v 10.
I've got the following two tags in the response header...
I managed to remove the X-Powered-By tag quite easily...via the "HTTP Response Headers" menu on IIS. However I cant seem to identify a way to remove the "Server" tag via gui.
It is a requirement to do it via the gui of IIS and not programmatically.
on IIS 10, in IIS Manager, select either the server name or the site name. go to Features pane, under the section Management, select the Configuration Editor. Under "Section" select system.webServer/secruity/requestFiltering under there you'll see "removeServerHeader". Set it to True. If you do it with the server name selected, it will be inherited by all sites on the server.