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eRuby - no implicit conversion of nil into String when comparing numbers in an if statement

I have a basic eRuby each loop

 <% @product_images.each do |image|%>

        <% if @counter < 4 %>

           <% p 'Im in here' %>
        <% else %>

           <% return %>
        <% end %>

          <% @counter += 1 %>
          <% p @counter %>

 <% end %>

Inside my loop i have an if statement that checks if @counter is < than 4.

Controller code

def show

     productId = params[:id]

     @product_images = ProductImage.where("product_id = ?", productId)

     @counter = 0

When i run this code it should return once the counter is greater than 4 but i get an error that says no implicit conversion of nil into String

This is pretty straight forward code i can't seem to figure out what i'm doing wrong. It seems like it's breaking in the line

<% if @counter < 4 %>

Here is a picture of the error:

enter image description here


  • It looks like you are trying to limit the number of @product_images that are rendered in your view. Instead of using @counter, you should simply limit the number of @product_images in your controller, something like:

    def show
      @product = Product.find_by(id: params[:id])
      @product_images = @product.product_images.limit(4)

    And then in your view, do something like:

    <% @product_images.each do |image| %>
      # do stuff
    <% end %>

    This, naturally, assumes that:

    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base 
      has_many :product_images


    class ProductImage < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :product

    You could put that logic back in the view, like:

    <% @product.product_images.limit(4).each do |image| %>
      # do stuff
    <% end %>

    And then your show action could be just:

    def show
      @product = Product.find_by(id: params[:id])

    But, I prefer leaving it in the controller to reduce the coupling between your views and your models.