I want to break PumpWaitingMessages for every one hour and check for any unread mails and I tried with following code.
However, if I increase time.time()-starttime>10
then my outlook is hanging and not able to progress, Sometimes I am even able to get following error:
This is related to How to continuously monitor a new mail in outlook and unread mails of a specific folder in python
pTraceback (most recent call last):
File "final.py", line 94, in <module>
File "final.py", line 68, in processExists
print('process "%s" is running!' % processname)
IOError: [Errno 0] Error
Please check the code and help me to resolve this.
import win32com.client
import ctypes # for the VM_QUIT to stop PumpMessage()
import pythoncom
import re
import time
import os
import subprocess
import pyodbc
class Handler_Class(object):
def __init__(self):
# First action to do when using the class in the DispatchWithEvents
inbox=outlook.Folders['[email protected]'].Folders['Inbox']
messages = inbox.Items
print "checking Unread mails"
# Check for unread emails when starting the event
for message in messages:
if message.UnRead:
print message.Subject.encode("utf-8") # Or whatever code you wish to execute.
def OnQuit(self):
# To stop PumpMessages() when Outlook Quit
# Note: Not sure it works when disconnecting!!
print "Inside handler onQuit"
def OnNewMailEx(self, receivedItemsIDs):
# RecrivedItemIDs is a collection of mail IDs separated by a ",".
# You know, sometimes more than 1 mail is received at the same moment.
for ID in receivedItemsIDs.split(","):
mail = self.Session.GetItemFromID(ID)
subject = mail.Subject
print subject.encode("utf-8")
command = re.search(r"%(.*?)%", subject).group(1)
print command # Or whatever code you wish to execute.
# Function to check if outlook is open
def processExists(processname):
tlcall = 'TASKLIST', '/V', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % processname
# shell=True hides the shell window, stdout to PIPE enables
# communicate() to get the tasklist command result
tlproc = subprocess.Popen(tlcall, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# trimming it to the actual lines with information
tlout = tlproc.communicate()[0].strip().split('\r\n')
# if TASKLIST returns single line without processname: it's not running
if len(tlout) > 1 and processname in tlout[-1]:
if "Not Responding" in tlout[2]:
print('process "%s" is not responding' % processname)
os.system("taskkill /f /im outlook.exe")
return False
print('process "%s" is running!' % processname)
return True
print('process "%s" is NOT running!' % processname)
return False
# Loop
while True:
outlook_open = processExists('OUTLOOK.EXE')
outlook_open = False
#If outlook opened then it will start the DispatchWithEvents
if outlook_open == True:
outlook = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("Outlook.Application", Handler_Class)
while True:
while (int(time.time()-starttime)<10):
if outlook_open == False:
# To not check all the time (should increase 10 depending on your needs)
if outlook_open == False:
print "outlook not opened"
So to check your unread email at the place of #Handler_Class.__init__(outlook)
just do:
win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("Outlook.Application", Handler_Class)
(no need of assignment really). But I don't see the point in your code because the rest of the time you are monitoring for incoming email with pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
and can do the same thing.
For your problem with outlook is hanging, not sure what is the problem, I try to run it myself few hours and it works. Maybe to reduce some CPU use (this might be your problem depending on your computer), you can try to add a time.sleep()
in your loop while such as:
while (int(time.time()-starttime)<100):
And while I'm answering, I don't think that both ctypes.windll.user32.PostQuitMessage(0)
you have in your code are necessary anymore with pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
, they were used to stop pythoncom.PumpMessages()
. I had no difference in behavior with or without.
Let me know