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How to set error messages in Klaviyo Popup?

I implemented the Klaviyo Popup in the way that is explained at How can I configure the error messages when the form does not validate? For example in the documentation I found this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        list: 'LIST_ID',
        delay_seconds: 10.5,
        content: {
            clazz: ' klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID',
            header: 'Join our Newsletter!',
            subheader: 'Get the latest and greatest news from us.',
            button: 'Subscribe Me!',
            success: 'Thanks! Check your email for a confirmation.',
            extra_fields: ["$first_name", "$last_name"],
            styles: '.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial}.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_header { color:#222;}.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_subheader { color:#222;}.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_submit_button,.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_submit_button span { background-color:#0064cd; background-image: none; border-radius: 2px;}.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_submit_button:hover,.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_submit_button span:hover { background-color:#0064cd; background-image: none; }.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_inner,.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_fieldset .klaviyo_field_group input[type=text],.klaviyo_modal.klaviyo_modal_LIST_ID .klaviyo_fieldset .klaviyo_field_group input[type=email] { border-radius: 2px;}'

Notice how in the documentation they include this part:

success: 'Thanks! Check your email for a confirmation.',

I was expecting to see something like this for error messages:

error_message: 'My custom error message.',

Is there a way to configure custom error messages? Thank you.


  • When reading this Klaviyo's blog entry at, it is my impression that they want to focus on this New Klaviyo Form Builder, which is great for people who need something easier than writing HTML/CSS. It would not surprise me if Klaviyo does not have a way to customize error messages using the "Legacy Popup", as they call it at, even though to me it should not be a "legacy" way to build pop-ups in Klaviyo.