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Lisp Horner's method using map-functions

Can Horner's method be implemented in lisp using mapcan or any other map function? Here is my implementation without map functions:

(defun Horner (lst x)
        ((null (cdr lst)) (car lst))
                    (+ (* (car lst) x) (cadr lst)) 
                    (cddr lst)


  • You cannot do it with map-like functions because they produce lists and you need the result to be a number.

    However, not all is lost -- reduce to the rescue!

    (defun horner (polynomial x)
      (reduce (lambda (a b)
                (+ (* a x) b))
              polynomial :initial-value 0))

    Note that this version also handles the 0 polynomial correctly: it returns 0 when called as (horner () 1) (replace 1 with any number). This glitch in your tail-recursive version is easily fixed:

    (defun horner (polynomial x)
      (if (rest polynomial)
          (horner (cons (+ (* (first polynomial) x) (second polynomial))
                        (cddr polynomial))
          (or (first polynomial) 0)))