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Running docker build on a dockerfile located within a container

I'm a beginner with Docker and I'm trying to get to grips with its structures and processes. I have the following scenario at work that I'm trying to figure out.

I have a docker container my-container running on a node. Inside this container is a Dockerfile, which I've updated with a couple of RUN lines so that it will install something every time the container is run. I removed the existing docker image, and I want to rebuild and tag a docker image using the updated Dockerfile. The Dockerfile edit and image rebuild is only required once.

Is there a best, or generally accepted method of getting docker build to run using a Dockerfile that is located within a container? I've searched around and could find a few different methods:

  • Run docker build from within the container, using Docker in Docker as outlined here
  • Run docker build from within the container by passing the socket (although this should never be done, is there a way of closing the vulnerability after you've run the command (a once off) and running the container again without the bind mounting using -v?
  • Run docker build from outside the container, but using the url of the container that contains the updated dockerfile as the build context? See: 3 different ways to provide docker build context and Docker docs.
  • Some other method that I haven't managed to find yet.
  • Thanks


  • you can define the Dockerfile inside the container as volume and then call that Dockerfile from outside(host) with docker build command. i think its the easiest way.