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Put favicon in middle of Highchart

I tried to find on different websites the solution to my problem but couldn't find one.

I am using highcharts to display a beautiful chart (cf picture below).

Beautiful chart

I would like to add to this chart an icon (Font awesome web application icon) at the middle of the circle.

I found an example (cf picture below) where some text is added at the center of it.

Chart with text in it.

The code to display this chart is as follow:

/* Renders a pie chart using the provided chartops */
var renderPieChart = function (chartopts) {
    return Highcharts.chart(chartopts['elemId'], {
        chart: {
            type: 'pie',
            events: {
                load: function () {
                    var chart = this,                                                                     
                        rend = chart.renderer,                                                            
                        pie = chart.series[0],                                                            
                        left = chart.plotLeft +[0],                                            
                        top = chart.plotTop +[1];                                              
                    this.innerText = rend.text(chartopts['data'][0].y, left, top).                        
                        'text-anchor': 'middle',                                                          
                        'font-size': '24px',                                                              
                        'font-weight': 'bold',                                                            
                        'fill': chartopts['colors'][0],                                                   
                        'font-family': 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'                                       
                render: function () {                                                                     
                        text: chartopts['data'][0].y                                                      
        title: {                                                                                          
            text: chartopts['title']                                                                      
        plotOptions: {                                                                                    
            pie: {                                                                                        
                innerSize: '80%',                                                                         
                dataLabels: {                                                                             
                    enabled: false                                                                        
        credits: {                                                                                        
            enabled: false                                                                                
        tooltip: {                                                                                        
            formatter: function () {                                                                      
                if (this.key == undefined) {                                                              
                    return false                                                                          
                return '<span style="color:' + this.color + '">\u25CF</span>' + + ': <b>' + this.y + '</b><br/>'   
        series: [{                                                                                        
            data: chartopts['data'],                                                                      
            colors: chartopts['colors'],                                                                  

What do I have to change in this code so I'm able to add an icon?




  • All you have to do is to import the CSS and use SVGRenderer.text (useHTML enabled):

      load: function() {
        this.renderer.text("<i style='font-size:24px' class='fa'>&#xf2b9;</i>", 290, 220, true).add();

    Live demo: