Am just getting started with the tutorial and all was going swimmingly until I hit the problem below.
It seems that maybe openWrap has found multiple log4net dll's on my system (which is one reason I need openWrap!) but isn't giving me any clear way to resolve which dll I want.
What must I do?
C:\...\Documents\Projects\Library\openWrapProject>o add-wrap log4net
# OpenWrap v1.0.0.0 ...\Projects\Library\openWrap\Project\wraps\_cache\openwrap-\bin-net35\OpenWrap.dll']
Wrap descriptor found.
Project repository present.
Trying to add package.
Package log4net not found in repositories. <=== this is in red
Did you mean one of the following package? <=== no choices presented, what to do??
You haven't added the nuget repository in which log4net lives. See the wiki for how to do that.
The "Did you mean" instruction should only show up if openwrap can do some guess as to what package you meant.