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Vaadin-Grid Polymer Element migration from cell renderer

In Polymer 1.0 and Vaadin-grid v1 I was using a cell renderer along the following lines to add an icon based on the value of the data:

grid.columns[6].renderer = function(cell) {
      if ( < 0){
        cell.element.innerHTML =  Math.abs( + '<iron-icon icon="arrow-downward" style="color: red"/>';
      else if ( > 0) {
        cell.element.innerHTML = + '<iron-icon icon="arrow-upward" style="color: green"/>';
      else {cell.element.innerHTML = '<iron-icon icon="settings-ethernet" style="color: #ffcc00"/>';}

Of course the migration to vaadin-grid 2 means no more renderer function and recommendation to use templates instead.What would be the most efficient way to achieve this?

Any help appreciated - I'm kind of learning this stuff as I go along and the examples on the vaadin site assume a bit more expertise than I have !


  • Tomi Virkki over on the Vaadin forum was kind enough to post me a simple example using computed bindings.Seems obvious now it has been explained .. gotta learn somehow I guess! Thanks Tomi

     <vaadin-grid items="[[users.result]]">
        <vaadin-grid-column width="50px" flex-grow="0">
          <template class="header">#</template>
            <iron-icon icon="[[_itemIcon(item)]]" style$="[[_itemIconStyles(item)]]"/>
          <template class="header">First Name</template>
          <template class="header">Last Name</template>
      window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', () => {
        class XGrid extends Polymer.Element {
          static get is() {
            return 'x-grid';
          _itemIcon(item) {
            return item.firstName > 'N' ? 'arrow-upward' : 'arrow-downward';
          _itemIconStyles(item) {
            return `color: ${item.firstName > 'N' ? 'green' : 'red'}`;
        customElements.define('x-grid', XGrid);