I am working with the plotly package, and I cannot find a way to display different things on the chart itself and in the hoverinfo. Here is an example of a barchart:
df <- iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise(n = n(),
avg = mean(Sepal.Length))
p1 <- plot_ly(data = df,
x = ~Species,
y = ~n,
type = "bar",
text = ~paste("Species :", Species,
"<br> Avg :", avg),
textposition = "auto",
hoverinfo = "text")
From this code I get this:
And I would like to display the frequency (n) value in each bar instead of the same thing as the hoverinfo.
I have been looking at this thread but the solution described is too complicated for me and I think there must be an easier way to solve this issue.
Something like this?
p1 <- plot_ly(data = df,
x = ~Species,
y = ~n,
type = "bar",
text = ~n,
textposition = "auto",
hoverinfo = "text",
hovertext = paste("Species :", df$Species,
"<br> Avg :", df$avg))