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Issues with encoding plus sign (executing Poco::URI::setQueryParameters and Poco::URI::getQueryParameters gives unexpected result)

Suppose I have a URI parameter with value, which contains plus signs (+) and other special chars.

When I execute URI::setQueryParameters and then URI::getQueryParameters, the resulted value is not the same as the original one - all special chars are fine, except the plus sign.

Could you, please, advice what is the conventional way to do this?

Workaround: explicitly invoke URI::encode with reserved containing plus sign. But this doesn't seem to be right, it really looks like a workaround.
Anyway, if this is the correct way to achieve this, what symbols should I include in reserved, if I want to avoid such surprises in the future?

Other observations: URI::decode has a parameter named plusAsSpace (defaulted to false), but this does not help. URI::getQueryParameters replaces + with (space) before calling URI::decode.

Here's a sample code:

const std::string value_with_plus_signs = "value+with+plus+signs";
Poco::URI::QueryParameters out_params;
out_params.push_back(std::make_pair("param", value_with_plus_signs));

Poco::URI uri("path");

const auto in_params = uri.getQueryParameters();
std::cout << "Expected: '" << value_with_plus_signs << "', received: '" 
    << in_params.front().second << "'" << std::endl;

output: Expected: 'value+with+plus+signs', received: 'value with plus signs'


  • It seems this was fixed in Poco (notice that '+' is added to the symbols that are encoded by default):

    I tested your code with poco 1.7.9p2 and I got the correct results.