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Build from Dockerfile-runtime Import h2o4gpu - No h2o4gpu Module

I have recently built the h2o4gpu docker image using the Dockerfile-runtime, and managed to run it and log into the Jupyter notebooks.

However, when trying to run

import h2o4gpu

I get the error that there is no h2o4gpu module. After, I tried installing by adding the below command to the dockerfile.

pip install --extra-index-url h2o4gpu 
pip install h2o4gpu-0.2.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl

This also failed, so I was wondering if there were other changes I should make, or if I should be making the docker file from scratch.

Thank you


  • To build the project, you can follow this recipe:

    git clone
    cd h2o4gpu
    make centos7_cuda9_in_docker

    This will work on either an x86_64 or ppc64le host with a modern docker installed. The python .whl file artifact is written to the dist directory.

    Even if the build process is significantly refactored, this style of build API is very likely to remain.