I'm trying to extract a cell value from a Google spreadsheet using imacro script.
This is the spread sheet I'm working on.
And I need to get the Cell 'A1' value.
Below is my try, and it is not working.
TAG POS=2 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:https://www.ebay.com* EXTRACT=TXT
Please help.
One of the possible (simplest) ways is to use Google Query Language for requesting necessary data and extract them afterwards. Something like this:
URL GOTO=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13akuXU0cp047_6VFdtUgdn2fKfhPilF_hPHrnTNV164/gviz/tq?tqx=out:html&tq=select%20A%20limit%201
TAG XPATH="//tr[last()]/td" EXTRACT=TXT
Keep in mind that your spreadsheet must be shared in this case.