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fuzzy matching in R

I am trying to detect matches between an open text field (read: messy!) with a vector of names. I created a silly fruit example that highlights my main challenges.

df1 <- data.frame(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
              entry = c("Apple", 
                        "I love apples", 
                        "An apple a day keeps..."))
df1$entry <- as.character(df1$entry)

df2 <- data.frame(fruit=c("apple",
                  code=c(11, 12, 13))
df2$fruit <- as.character(df2$fruit)

df1 %>%
  mutate(match = str_detect(str_to_lower(entry), 

My approach grabs the low hanging fruit, if you will (exact matches for "Apple" and "banana").

#  id                   entry match
#1  1                   Apple  TRUE
#2  2           I love apples FALSE
#3  3                   appls FALSE
#4  4                Bannanas FALSE
#5  5                  banana  TRUE
#6  6 An apple a day keeps... FALSE

The unmatched cases have different challenges:

  1. The target fruit in cases 2 and 6 are embedded in larger strings.
  2. The target fruit in 3 and 4 require a fuzzy match.

The fuzzywuzzyR package is great and does a pretty good job (see page for details on installing python modules).

choices <- df2$fruit
word <- df1$entry[3]  # "appls"

init_proc = FuzzUtils$new()      
PROC = init_proc$Full_process    
PROC1 = tolower                  

init_scor = FuzzMatcher$new()    
SCOR = init_scor$WRATIO          

init <- FuzzExtract$new()        

init$Extract(string = word, 
             sequence_strings = choices, 
             processor = PROC, 
             scorer = SCOR)

This setup returns a score of 80 for "apple" (the highest).

Is there another approach to consider aside from fuzzywuzzyR? How would you tackle this problem?

Adding fuzzywuzzyR output:

[1] "apple"

[1] 80

[1] "pineapple"

[1] 72

[1] "banana"

[1] 18


  • I found this question referenced while answering a question today. So I thought of answering the original question.

    df1 %>%
      stringdist_left_join(df2, by=c(entry="fruit"), ignore_case=T, method="jw", distance_col="dist") %>%
      group_by(entry) %>%
      top_n(-1) %>%

    Output is:

         id entry                   fruit      code
      <dbl> <fct>                   <fct>     <dbl>
    1  1.00 Apple                   apple      11.0
    2  2.00 I love apples           pineapple  13.0
    3  3.00 appls                   apple      11.0
    4  4.00 Bannanas                banana     12.0
    5  5.00 banana                  banana     12.0
    6  6.00 An apple a day keeps... apple      11.0

    Sample data:

    df1 <- data.frame(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
                      entry = c("Apple", "I love apples", "appls", "Bannanas", "banana", "An apple a day keeps..."))
    df2 <- data.frame(fruit=c("apple", "banana", "pineapple"), code=c(11, 12, 13))