I am creating custom dialog and i want when the user click add button go and call retrofit and observe on changes but i don't know how to pass lifecycleowner to the observer
private void observeViewModel(ProjectListViewModel viewModel) {
// Update the list when the data changes
viewModel.getProjectListObservable().observe( ***what to pass here ??*** , new Observer<List<Project>>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Project> projects) {
if (projects != null) {
thanks in advance
Try this solution. It worked for me.
Create a field of your activity from where you are calling the dialog and pass this in place of lifecycleowner
public class YourDialog extends DialogFragment {
private YourActivity activity;
public static YourDialog newInstance(YourActivity activity) {
YourDialog dialog = new YourDialog();
dialog.activity = activity;
return dialog;
private void observeViewModel(ProjectListViewModel viewModel) {
// Update the list when the data changes
viewModel.getProjectListObservable().observe( activity , new Observer<List<Project>>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable List<Project> projects) {
if (projects != null) {
You can refer the example of mvvm here if you want