I have a list Entity called Awards which has a Name (string) and YearGiven (Entity) as its fields.
I want to show all awards grouped by Year. ie
Here is my template:
@using ToSic.SexyContent
// variable which will contain the sorted categories
IEnumerable<dynamic> sortedCategories;
// Prepare the data - get all categories through the pipeline
public override void CustomizeData()
// get all categories of these questions, then get the distinct entities
// this could all be done on 1 line, but it would be harder for people who don't know LINQ yet
var awardsInThisModule = AsDynamic(App.Data["Awards"].List);
var categoriesUsed = awardsInThisModule.SelectMany(q => ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.YearGiven));
var distinctCategories = categoriesUsed.Select(AsEntity).Distinct(); // Distinct only works reliably when cast as entity
sortedCategories = AsDynamic(distinctCategories).OrderBy(q => q.Year);
<link rel="stylesheet" href="@App.Path/assets/awards.css" data-enableoptimizations="true" />
@foreach (var cat in sortedCategories)
<h3> @cat.Year</h3>
foreach (var q in AsDynamic(App.Data["Awards"].List).Where(t => t.Name == "Bob").OrderBy(q => q.Name))
//this works fine and puts Bob against each year
foreach (var q in AsDynamic(App.Data["Awards"].List).Where(t => t.Year.Select(a => AsDynamic(a).Year) == "2017"))
//this is what I actually want to do and fails
<br />
I started by changing the Where clause to t.YearGiven == 2016 but that gives an error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' and 'int' a" - I assume because YearGiven is an Entity and so is actually a List<>.
So then I changed to the next foreach in the code and got this error:-
"Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type."
I can't find any template example that does what I'm trying to do and nothing I do works.
N.B. I've hardcoded '2017' in there for now to keep things simple but it will obviously be doing each Year found in the outer loop.
Here is a simple example with a similar schema if you want to adapt it. I am basically using a variable (currCat) to keep track and handle the 'on-change of category'. Hopefully you can ignore all the expando/collapse stuff. Here is what the final looks like: http://www.blackandco.com/Vendor-Linecard
<div id="vendor-list" role="tablist" class="small">
int currCat = 0;
int firstCo = 851; // Abrasives
foreach (var aCat in AsDynamic(App.Data["CompanyCategories"])
.Where(c => c.CategoryActiveYN == true)
.OrderBy(c => c.CategoryName)
currCat = aCat.EntityId;
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header" role="tab" id="@string.Format("{0}{1}", "heading", @currCat)">
<h5 class="mb-0@((currCat == firstCo) ? "" : " collapsed")" data-toggle="collapse" href="@string.Format("{0}{1}", "#collapse", @currCat)"
aria-expanded="@((currCat == firstCo) ? "true" : "false")" aria-controls="@string.Format("{0}{1}", "collapse", @currCat)">
<div id="@string.Format("{0}{1}", "collapse", @currCat)" class="collapse@((currCat==firstCo) ? " show" : "")" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="@string.Format("{0}{1}", "heading", @currCat)" data-parent="#accordion" aria-expanded="@((currCat==firstCo) ? "true" : "false")">
<div class="card-body">
@foreach (var vComp in AsDynamic(App.Data["Company"])
.Where(v => v.CompanyActiveYN && v.IncludeOnVendorCards)
.OrderBy(v => v.CompanyName)
foreach (var vCat in vComp.CompanyCategory)
if (vCat.EntityId == currCat)