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BLEU score from Microsoft Translator Hub is 0.00

I just started exploring Microsoft Translator Hub and my question is if i use dictionary to preserve word from being translated from english to korean, then steps for it will be :

  1. Inside my excel, for the first row i will add the language code
  2. For the second row, it will be the value to preserve. For example: Under 'en' column, i will put 'BACK' as the value and under 'ko' column, i will also put 'BACK' as the value.
  3. Upload it as a document.
  4. Uncheck all the other document under training tab, check the document just uploaded under dictionary tab.
  5. Start training the document.

So, ive done all of this steps but the BLEU score still comes out 0.00. Am i doing it wrong? Did i understand the use of Translator Hub wrongly also?

Thank you very much in advanced.


  • Creating a dictionary-only training in the Microsoft Translator Hub does not produce a BLEU score. This is expected. You didn't upload any training, tuning or test set for this type of training. Refer to the Translator Hub User Guide section 2.6. Dictionary-only training.

    To answer your second question, if the training is successful, the 'Evaluate Results' tab shows the machine translation of sentences that were a part of the test dataset. Refer to the Hub User Guide, section 3.3.5. Evaluate Results. As there was no test set uploaded, the tab shows nothing. This is expected.