So I am using the anjlab in-app billing and it is working except I want to get the order ID so I can store it on my server. (This way if the user has a problem I can find the transaction) How do I get the orderID? I am unclear on this part.
Link to the github I am using to get the transaction details:
Here is my code:
public final String orderId;
public void onProductPurchased(String productId, TransactionDetails details)
/* Called when requested PRODUCT ID was successfully purchased */
Log.e(TAG, "Details: " + details);
Here is what TransactionDetails details shows when I Log it:
android.test.purchased purchased at
null( Token:
inapp:com.mytestapp:android.test.purchased, Signature: null
Try as follows -
String orderId = details.orderId;
Log.e(TAG, "Details: " + orderId);