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Autofixture.Automoq - generics make bool always true

public interface IResult
    bool Success { get; } 

public interface IResult<T> : IResult


Using AutoFixure, and AutoMoq I am trying to find a way to to make Success always true, no matter what type T is. Registering a fake is easy enough with IResult, but that doesn't seem to work for IResult<T>


  • Using a fake implementation

    public class FakeResult<T> : IResult<T> {
        public bool Success {
            get { return true; }

    along with adding a TypeRelay customization

     fixture.Customizations.Add(new TypeRelay(typeof(IResult<>), typeof(FakeResult<>)));

    All calls for IResult<> will use the FakeResult<> which has its Success to return trueno matter what is the type of T.

    Full example to test that the mock works as intended.

    public class AutoFixtureDefaultGeneric {
        public void AutoFixture_Should_Create_Generic_With_Default() {
            // Arrange
            Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
            fixture.Customizations.Add(new TypeRelay(typeof(IResult<>), typeof(FakeResult<>)));
            var result = fixture.Create<IResult<string>>();