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SonarQube says "Covered by tests (3 of 4 conditions)" on a null check

I have a null check on a FileInputStream object and SonarQube says that on the first line of this block:

if (fileInputStream != null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {}

only (and I quote): "Covered by tests (3 of 4 conditions)"

How in this world can there be 4 conditions? I can only see 2 conditions: either the object is null or not. Can anyone post those other 2 conditions? I use java 8. Is there a way to please Sonar? A workaround? Anything.

Update: I removed the if statement and replaced the whole if block with;

which checks for null and makes Sonar happy.


  • As of Sonar 7.0 and Jacoco 6.5 it is now possible to use try with resources as a more elegant solution than;