I am trying to do some event querying using Get-WinEvent
and XPath. I was successfully testing it before I left work yesterday, but today, no matter what I try, it keeps telling me that there are no matching events.
I still have the PowerShell window open from yesterday with the successful query, and even repeating the same commands via shell history is returning nothing.
I can't get any XPath queries to work. Simple example, this returns thousands of event records:
$EventFilter = @{
Logname = 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational'
ProviderName = "Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler"
Id = 129
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $EventFilter -verbose
But the following claims No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.
[xml]$XPath = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational">
<Select Path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational">*
[System/Provider[@Name='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler'] and
Get-WinEvent -logname 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational' -FilterXPath $XPath
NOTE: I am NOT using invalid queries. The xml above is simply reformatted from the query (constructed and) displayed from the -verbose
switch on the first one. In the end, I need to use XPath because -FilterHashtable
is too limited, but I even can't get the simple XPath queries to work.
I'm starting to pull my hair out on this. What could possibly prevent this from working today when it worked before?
There are two different (but similar) parameters you can use. The -FilterXPath
one you are using requires only the filter to be supplied. So, your example should be:
$XPath = "*[System/Provider[@Name='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler'] and (System/EventID=129)]"
Get-WinEvent -logname 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational' -FilterXPath $XPath
The alternative is to use -FilterXml
, which takes the full query XML you had originally (but no -LogName
$XPath = @"
<Query Id="0" Path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational">
<Select Path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational">*
[System/Provider[@Name='microsoft-windows-taskscheduler'] and
Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $XPath