I am working on a kinesis POC. I have a small python script running to generate stream data. The streaming data is passed via a kinesis agent, kinesis firehose, and finally the data is inserted into Redshift table at regular interval of 5 minutes.
I wanted to view the updated records by way of a graphical representation so as to see the trend of data as the data comes in.
I tried with AWS Quicksight, but the issue with Quicksight is that the scheuled refresh interval is daily/weekly/monthly, so it doesn't solve my purpose to view update data every 5 minutes.
Is there any visualisation tool that i can connect to redshift? Please help me with suggestions.
After some googling, I found Metabase to be a good tool to satisfy my requirement (to view real time data updates on a dashboard, with auto refresh scheduled), and I find it awesome for the following reasons:
LDAP integration, and provisions for SSH based db connections.
Ease of use 😊
I was able run my kinesis agent running on a EC2, capture the streaming data to a Redshift table via Kinesis Firehose. The I download metabase.jar file on my windows and configured redshift database in my metabase, ooh, am able to view streaming data on metabase dashboard. We can schedule autorefresh every 1 minute,5 minute, or 15, 30, 60 minutes.