I'm currently evaluation AppAuth (https://appauth.io/) for use in a native mobile app together with a STS which currently uses IdentityServer3. I've configured a client like this:
new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client
Enabled = true,
ClientId = "app",
ClientName = "app",
ClientUri = "app:/",
Flow = Flows.AuthorizationCodeWithProofKey,
RequireConsent = false,
RequireSignOutPrompt = false,
SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = 28800,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
RedirectUris = new List<string>
PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string>
AllowedScopes = new List<string>
The initial authorize request succeeds and IdentityServer3 returns an authorization code. Now I tried a subsequent token request, and this results in an HTTP 400 with an invalid_client error and the following messages in the IdentityServer3 log:
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Information] Start token request
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] Start client validation
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] Start parsing Basic Authentication secret
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] Start parsing for secret in post body
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] No secret in post body found
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] Start parsing for X.509 certificate
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Debug] X.509 certificate not found.
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Information] Parser found no secret
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Information] No client secret found
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Information] End token request
2018-04-17 10:16:38.324 +02:00 [Information] Returning error: invalid_client
Do I understand something wrong or why doesn't IdentityServer3 return an access token?
You need to authenticate Client
in token request for Authorization Code
flow. So you need to set ClientSecrets
for your client.
new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client
/// your properties
ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
new Secret("secret".Sha256())
And you need to send client_secret
as a query string in your token request.
Or you can use BasicAuthentication
. In this case you need to add Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)
in authentication header.