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Why is reading large files in python so slow?

I am trying to read a csv file I created before in python using

with open(csvname, 'w') as csvfile:
    csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')

Data ist a random matrix containing about 30k * 30k entries, np.float32 format. About 10 GB file size in total.

Once I read in the file using this function (since I know the size of my matrix already and np.genfromtxt is increadibly slow and would need about 100 GB RAM at this point)

def read_large_txt(path, delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32, nrows = 0):
    t1 = time.time()
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        out = np.empty((nrows, nrows), dtype=dtype)
        for (ii, line) in enumerate(f):
            if ii%2 == 0:
                out[int(ii/2)] = line.split(delimiter)
    print('Reading %s took %.3f s' %(path, time.time() - t1))
return out

it takes me about 10 minutes to read that file. The hard drive I am using should be able to read about 100 MB/s which would decrease the reading time to about 1-2 minutes.

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

Related: why numpy narray read from file consumes so much memory? That's where the function read_large_txt is from.


  • I found a quite simple solution. Since I am creating the files as well, I don't need to save them as a .csv-file. It is way (!) faster to load them as .npy files:

    Loading (incl. splitting each line by ',') a 30k * 30k matrix stored as .csv takes about 10 minutes. Doing the same with a matrix stored as .npy takes about 10 seconds!

    That's why I have to change the code I wrote above to:, data)

    and in the other script to

    out = np.load(npyname + '.npy')

    Another advantage of this method is: (in my case) the .npy files only have about 40% the size of the .csv files. :)