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How to read SAP HTMLViewer Control data with VBA or C#

I'm trying to automate a SAP task in which a HTMLViewercontrol is used to disply some data and update if required.

The HTMLViewercontrol looks like below after loading.

HTMLViewer control

I tried to record the loading of the page but sadly, don't get any event in it.

After scratching my head for hours I tried to record the script while editing values and got below script.

session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlMAIN_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").sapEvent "","COMMAND=NEW&ELEMENT=INP_I_5_I_=123456789&INP_I_6_I_=1.000&INP_I_7_I_=&INP_I_8_I_=16.99&INP_I_9_I_=16.99&INP_I_10_I_=5.50&INP_I_11_I_=","sapevent:A1F1"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlMAIN_CONTAINER/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").sapEvent "","COMMAND=ENT&ELEMENT=INP_I_5_I_=123456789&INP_I_6_I_=1.000&INP_I_7_I_=&INP_I_8_I_=16.99&INP_I_9_I_=16.99&INP_I_10_I_=5.50&INP_I_11_I_=","sapevent:A1F1"

I'm not getting how can I read sapevent value before editing.

Can any one please share their expertise in this.


  • I managed to edit data on SAP HTMLViewer by below code:

    //Record the script.
    //Assign `RecordFile` name as your choice
    _session.RecordFile = @"SalesScript.vbs";
    //Start recording
    _session.Record = true;
    //Get session window handle
    var handle = _session.ActiveWindow.Handle;
    //Set the handle as foreground.
    if (SetForegroundWindow(handle))
     //Send Enter key
    //Get the recording file path to open and get the required fields from it.
    var scriptPath = _session.RecordFile;
    //Stop the recording.
    _session.Record = false;
    //You will get the recording script file. You can get the file contains by opening it with `StreamReader`
    //Method to set SAP screen foreground.
        public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(
            int hWnd // handle to window