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Making text appear in html table cell with line breaks

I'm working on a razor pages website with a database behind it. One of the database columns needs to contain multiline text. The text is entered by the user when creating a database entry so could be editted to include
tags or such like. When displayed on the webpage, this multiline data appears in a table cell like so:

    @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.SpecSelResult.Output)

However, line breaks do not show up. If I enter the text as 'Line1
Line3', when inspecting the element in chrome I see the following:

       Line1<br> Line2<br> Line3

And this displays as

Line1<br> Line2<br> Line3

so the
tags are ineffective. Ideally I'd just be able to copy and paste the text from notepad or notepad++ and not add
tags, but adding the tags wouldn't be too bad if it worked. Can anybody tell me how to get the data to show up multi-lined?


I've found this approach works if I add <br> tags but I'd still appreciate a solution without those:



  • This resolved the problem for me:

    <pre>@Html.DisplayTextFor(model => model.SpecSelResult.Output)</pre>