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DOcloudForbiddenError : limit of 5 jobs total

I am calling CPLEX model of IBM Watson. It is key from a free account. It has been working well. But somehow, it slowed down and I stopped my client program. Subsequently, I am getting the following error: docloud.job.DOcloudForbiddenError: Subscription [ODSTRIAL:502865795] of user has a limit of 5 jobs total I tried to abort job by running abort_job(following code), but the jobs are still hanging on and is not letting me run code:

import docloud.job
jobClient = docloud.job.JobClient('https://api-', '<API KEY>')
for job in jobClient.get_all_jobs():

Above code ran; it neither threw any success message nor any failure one. But jobClient.get_all_jobs() is still throwing details of 5 jobs. And I still get the error DOcloudForbiddenError.

Would be grateful if someone could help in this regard.



  • You have to delete your jobs, the easiest solution is to go to DropSolve to delete the jobs that are blocking your queue:

    If you look here you will see that it is also possible to delete all jobs using the docplex library: