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Scala-Cats Validated: value mapN is not a member of ValidatedNel tuple

Scala community.

Currently I'm trying to implement custom model/single parameter validation using cats Validated Monad. But, after removal of Cartesian product since 1.0 I'm unable to use (v1 |@| v2) map (f) and unable to compile my code:

import cats.Semigroupal
import{Invalid, Valid}
import{ValidatedNel, _}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.instances.all._

case class FieldErrorInfo(name: String, error: String)

type FieldName = String

type ValidationResult[A] = ValidatedNel[FieldErrorInfo, A]

trait SingleFieldValidationRule[U] extends ((U, FieldName) => ValidationResult[U])

trait ModelValidationRule[M] extends (M => ValidationResult[M])

object ValidateNameRule extends SingleFieldValidationRule[String] {
  override def apply(v1: String, name: String): ValidationResult[String]  = {
    if (v1.contains("cats"))
      FieldErrorInfo(name, "Some Error").invalidNel

object ValidateQuantityRule extends SingleFieldValidationRule[Int] {
  override def apply(v1: Int, name: String): ValidationResult[Int] =
    if (v1 > 0)
    else FieldErrorInfo(name, "Some Error").invalidNel

case class SampleModel(name: String, quantity: Int)

object ValidateSampleModel extends ModelValidationRule[SampleModel] {
  override def apply(v1: SampleModel): ValidationResult[SampleModel] = {
    val stage1: ValidatedNel[FieldErrorInfo, String] = ValidateNameRule(, "name")
    val stage2: ValidatedNel[FieldErrorInfo, Int] = ValidateQuantityRule(v1.quantity, "quantity")

    implicit val sga: Semigroupal[NonEmptyList] = new Semigroupal[NonEmptyList] {
      override def product[A, B](fa: NonEmptyList[A], fb: NonEmptyList[B]): NonEmptyList[(A, B)] = fa.flatMap(a => => a -> b))

    (stage1, stage2).mapN(SampleModel)

Compiler says, that

Error:(43, 23) value mapN is not a member of ([FieldErrorInfo,String],[FieldErrorInfo,Int])
    (stage1, stage2).mapN(SampleModel)

Point me please how to use new Applicative syntax or what I did wrong...(forgot to create/import some implicits)


  • Values stage1 and stage2 must have type ValidationResult[_].

    In this case implicit for mapN should work.

     object ValidateSampleModel extends ModelValidationRule[SampleModel] {
      override def apply(v1: SampleModel): ValidationResult[SampleModel] = {
        val stage1: ValidationResult[String] = ValidateNameRule(, "name")
        val stage2: ValidationResult[Int] = ValidateQuantityRule(v1.quantity, "quantity")
        (stage1, stage2).mapN(SampleModel)