I have a controller with an API request showing all my Google Docs.
feed = client.get('http://docs.google.com/feeds/documents/private/full').to_xml
feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry|
puts 'title: ' + entry.elements['title'].text
puts 'type: ' + entry.elements['category'].attribute('label').value
puts 'updated: ' + entry.elements['updated'].text
puts 'id: ' + entry.elements['id'].text
# Extract the href value from each <atom:link>
links = {}
entry.elements.each('link') do |link|
links[link.attribute('rel').value] = link.attribute('href').value
puts links.to_s
So, I can see the results in my console but how do I get them into my view?
I tried with something like this, but that doesn't work (I changed my variable in the controller to an accessor of course)
<% feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry| %> <% entry.elements['title'].text %> <% end %>
Problem solved. Because I use 'puts' in the controller to show the content of the feed in the console I also have to change that for the view. Of course, puts is equal to <%= ... %>.
<% @feed.elements.each('entry') do |entry| %>
<li><%= 'title: ' + entry.elements['title'].text %></li>
<% end %>