I am trying to make my data wider than it already is. I tried using spread but I would like to spread 4 variables at one time. A sample dataset is:
df <- data.frame(Year <- c("2017","2018"),
ID <- c(1,1),
Score <- c("21","32"),
Score2 <- c("24","20"),
Score3 <- c("33", "26"),
Score4 <- c("25","32"))
Year ID Score Score2 Score3 Score4
1 2017 1 21 24 33 25
2 2018 1 32 20 26 32
I would like to make it wide so that all scores from both years are on 1 row like this:
Year Score Score2 Score3 Score4 Year2 Score18 Score218 Score318 Score418
1 2017 21 24 33 25 2018 32 20 26 32
The "Year2" column is not totally necessary but I would like some way to decipher between 2017 and 2018.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated! Thanks!
Another approach could be
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise_all(funs(toString)) %>%
cSplit(names(.)[-1], ",")
Output is:
ID Year_1 Year_2 Score_1 Score_2 Score2_1 Score2_2 Score3_1 Score3_2 Score4_1 Score4_2
1: 1 2017 2018 21 32 24 20 33 26 25 32
Sample data:
df <- data.frame(Year = c("2017","2018"),
ID = c(1,1),
Score = c("21","32"),
Score2 = c("24","20"),
Score3 = c("33", "26"),
Score4 = c("25","32"))