i have a scenario where in im calling a method(which has code to create workflow - defined in pages POM framework), i have written a generic method to get the data from excel file using dataProvider in testNG
Now i have a @Test method which perform the action of creating the workflow as below
public static String[][] getExcelData() throws Exception{
ExcelReader read = new ExcelReader();
String filePath = "path of excelfile";
return read.getCellData(filePath, "Sheet1");
@Test(dataProviderClass = ExcelReader.class, dataProvider="wf")
public void testing(String workflow, String type, String unit){
System.out.println("-------------Test case started -------------");
System.out.println("Call to login to the application");
System.out.println("Navigating to Some Page");
System.out.println("Navigating to WorkflowPage");
SampleClass s = new SampleClass();
System.out.println("-----'--------Test case Ended ----------------");
public void createWorkflow(String wf, String wf, String unit){
System.out.println("Creating WF");
System.out.println("CREATED wf");
now if i run the @Test fails after creating the 1st workflow, becoz the @test method is run again from beginning instead of creating multiple workflow's, for 'createWorkflow method.
Can you let me know how can i achieve this or a better solution.
public void beforeMethod(){
System.out.println("Call to login to the application");
System.out.println("Navigating to Some Page");
System.out.println("Navigating to WorkflowPage");
@Test(dataProviderClass = ExcelReader.class, dataProvider="wf")
public void testing(String workflow, String type, String unit){
System.out.println("-------------Test case started -------------");
SampleClass s = new SampleClass();
System.out.println("-----'--------Test case Ended ----------------");
public void createWorkflow(String wf, String wf, String unit){
System.out.println("Creating WF");
System.out.println("CREATED wf");