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Java: Looking for mutable/re-referenceable weak reference implementation

I am looking for a weak reference implementation similar to java.lang.ref.WeakReference, but which offers a set() method or some other way of re-reference the created weak reference object. Here is the example:

MutableWeakReference ref = new MutableWeakReference(someObject);

I need this to avoid object creation which, in my case slows down the execution time by an order of magnitude, because I am constantly changing the object to which my weak reference refers.

I tried to copy the code from JDK, but it seems impossible since java.lang.ref.Reference uses the sun.misc.Cleaner class which is internal. I also looked on Android implementation but it seems it depends on Dalvik VM for Garbage collection. I wonder if this is actually possible to implement without changing the JVM / environment.


  • Wouldn't it just be possible to encapsulate your references in a simple

    class MyOwnReference<T> {
        public T ref;
        public void set(T o) { ref = o; }

    and create WeakReference<MyOwnReference<WhatEver>>?

    I wonder if this is actually possible to implement without changing the JVM / environment.

    No, you probably can't "reimplement" the WeakReference. It is a JVM-supported class.

    Are you sure it is the creation of WeakReference instances that slows it down? I wouldn't think doing

    ref = new WeakReference(someObject);

    instead of some


    would be that much more expensive.