Is it possible to use a C# assembly from Clarion? If not. Is it possible to run a simple console application written in C# and read the output from it back into Clarion? In both cases, how would you do it? In the case of the assembly, would you have to do something special with it for Clarion to get access to it? In both cases, how would you do it in Clarion?
The reason is we have two methods written in C#, which is used by an application written in C#. But we also need to use that same method in a Clarion application. And we really don't want to write the methods again for Clarion, since they are a bit complex...
Clarion is a programming language. Don't know it myself. Parts of the old system where I work is made with it, and we are working on porting it to C# .NET. So for a while they have to live side by side. We found a work around so it is no longer needed though. But thanks for info :) Maybe we will need it further down the road instead. Although I hope not... hehe.
For those curious: