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R: Distm for big data? Calculating minimum distances between two matrices

I have two matrices, one is 200K rows long, the other is 20K. For each row (which is a point) in the first matrix, I am trying to find which row (also a point) in the second matrix is closest to the point in the first matrix. This is the first method that I tried on a sample dataset:

#Test dataset
pixels.latlon=cbind(runif(200000,min=-180, max=-120), runif(200000, min=50, max=85))
grwl.latlon=cbind(runif(20000,min=-180, max=-120), runif(20000, min=50, max=85))
#calculate the distance matrix
dist.matrix=distm(pixels.latlon, grwl.latlon, fun=distHaversine)
#Pick out the indices of the minimum distance
rnum=apply(dist.matrix, 1, which.min)

However, I get a Error: cannot allocate vector of size 30.1 Gb error when I use the distm function.

There have been several posts on this topic:

This one uses bigmemory to calculate distances between points in the SAME dataframe, but I'm not sure how to adapt it to calculate distances between points in two different matrices...

This one also works for calculating a distance matrix between points in the SAME matrix...Efficient (memory-wise) function for repeated distance matrix calculations AND chunking of extra large distance matrices

And this one is pretty much identical to what I want to do, but they didn't actually come up with a solution that worked for large data: R: distm with Big Memory I tried this method, which uses bigmemory, but get a Error in CreateFileBackedBigMatrix(as.character(backingfile), as.character(backingpath), : Problem creating filebacked matrix. error, I think because the dataframe is too large.

Has anyone come up with a good solution to this problem? I am open to other package ideas!

Updated code which fixed the issue

pixels.latlon=cbind(runif(200000,min=-180, max=-120), runif(200000, min=50, max=85))
grwl.tibble = tibble(long=runif(20000,min=-180, max=-120), lat=runif(20000, min=50, max=85), id=runif(20000, min=0, max=20000))
rnum <- apply(pixels.latlon, 1, function(x) {
    grwl.filt = grwl.tibble %>% 
      filter(long < (xlon+0.3) & long >(xlon-0.3) & lat < (xlat+0.3)&lat >(xlat-.3))
    grwl.latlon.filt = cbind(grwl.filt$long, grwl.filt$lat)
    dm <- distm(x, grwl.latlon.filt, fun=distHaversine)
    rnum=apply(dm, 1, which.min)
    id = grwl.filt$id[rnum]


  • You can use this R(cpp) function:

    #include <Rcpp.h>
    using namespace Rcpp;
    double compute_a(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2) {
      double sin_dLat = ::sin((lat2 - lat1) / 2);
      double sin_dLon = ::sin((long2 - long1) / 2);
      return sin_dLat * sin_dLat + ::cos(lat1) * ::cos(lat2) * sin_dLon * sin_dLon;
    int find_min(double lat1, double long1,
                 const NumericVector& lat2,
                 const NumericVector& long2,
                 int current0) {
      int m = lat2.size();
      double lat_k, lat_min, lat_max, a, a0;
      int k, current = current0;
      a0 = compute_a(lat1, long1, lat2[current], long2[current]);
      // Search before current0
      lat_min = lat1 - 2 * ::asin(::sqrt(a0));
      for (k = current0 - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
        lat_k = lat2[k];
        if (lat_k > lat_min) {
          a = compute_a(lat1, long1, lat_k, long2[k]);
          if (a < a0) {
            a0 = a;
            current = k;
            lat_min = lat1 - 2 * ::asin(::sqrt(a0));
        } else {
          // No need to search further
      // Search after current0
      lat_max = lat1 + 2 * ::asin(::sqrt(a0));
      for (k = current0 + 1; k < m; k++) {
        lat_k = lat2[k];
        if (lat_k < lat_max) {
          a = compute_a(lat1, long1, lat_k, long2[k]);
          if (a < a0) {
            a0 = a;
            current = k;
            lat_max = lat1 + 2 * ::asin(::sqrt(a0));
        } else {
          // No need to search further
      return current;
    // [[Rcpp::export]]
    IntegerVector find_closest_point(const NumericVector& lat1,
                                     const NumericVector& long1,
                                     const NumericVector& lat2,
                                     const NumericVector& long2) {
      int n = lat1.size();
      IntegerVector res(n);
      int current = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        res[i] = current = find_min(lat1[i], long1[i], lat2, long2, current);
      return res; // need +1
    /*** R
    N <- 2000  # 2e6
    M <- 500   # 2e4
    pixels.latlon=cbind(runif(N,min=-180, max=-120), runif(N, min=50, max=85))
    grwl.latlon=cbind(runif(M,min=-180, max=-120), runif(M, min=50, max=85))
    # grwl.latlon <- grwl.latlon[order(grwl.latlon[, 2]), ]
      #calculate the distance matrix
      dist.matrix = distm(pixels.latlon, grwl.latlon, fun=distHaversine)
      #Pick out the indices of the minimum distance
      rnum=apply(dist.matrix, 1, which.min)
    find_closest <- function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
      toRad <- pi / 180
      lat1  <- lat1  * toRad
      long1 <- long1 * toRad
      lat2  <- lat2  * toRad
      long2 <- long2 * toRad
      ord1  <- order(lat1)
      rank1 <- match(seq_along(lat1), ord1)
      ord2  <- order(lat2)
      ind <- find_closest_point(lat1[ord1], long1[ord1], lat2[ord2], long2[ord2])
      ord2[ind + 1][rank1]
      test <- find_closest(pixels.latlon[, 2], pixels.latlon[, 1], 
                           grwl.latlon[, 2], grwl.latlon[, 1])
    all.equal(test, rnum)
    N <- 2e4
    M <- 2e4
    pixels.latlon=cbind(runif(N,min=-180, max=-120), runif(N, min=50, max=85))
    grwl.latlon=cbind(long = runif(M,min=-180, max=-120), lat = runif(M, min=50, max=85))
      test <- find_closest(pixels.latlon[, 2], pixels.latlon[, 1], 
                           grwl.latlon[, 2], grwl.latlon[, 1])

    It takes 0.5 sec for N = 2e4 and 4.2 sec for N = 2e5. I can't make your code work to compare.