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AES 256 Encryption of a column in dataframe

I am trying to do an AES-256 bit encryption in R. This is to be done for a column of a dataframe. Eg., df:-

  **fname   lname  city   country**
    aas     das    Mum      IN
    asdw    gup    del      IN
    erf     fre    Sfo      US ...

in this data frame, i need to encrypt the first 2 fields and store the encrypted values instead, in the dataframe. Currently i am using the code :

for(i in 1:nrow(df))
    ip <- charToRaw(df$name[i])
    enc <- PKI.encrypt(ip, key)
    enc ->df$ip[i]

Here, I am essentially trying to encrypt all entries of the 'Name' field in a loop and trying to store it back in the df. However in doing so, i am concerned about the following: 1. an example of the encrypted value is as below:

14 5e 9d 27 e8 6d cd d0 f3 1a 8d 50 6c 8c be a9 12 f4 43 92 0a 44 8a 50 cb be 15 44 23 2a 37 8b fa 8c 8e 5c c5 67 61 81 d5 22 dc fa c3 47 4a 22 76 34 dd 4c
aa e9 ae a0 d0 48 bf 28 f6 fc f4 94 0f 0b 10 d6 e7 84 94 6a a6 60 da 4e f6 56 9a b2 6a 54 11 0e f4 bf f1 2b c1 5a 18 14 e4 d1 58 a9 22 6f 08 c2 fe c8 13 0d
4c 58 a7 bd 96 e8 9e e3 76 80 95 c4 3f e1 16 48 aa aa ef 57 2a 69 4f 45 a0 0a 80 3c 95 f8 06 1b 46 ee f5 ed 8a 29 7d aa f7 73 90 f7 2c 93 4e c9 34 f5 20 6b
38 45 87 49 37 f0 29 9e 4e 53 a6 52 af 51 56 07 13 3c 68 bc cf de bc 88 ac 5e 36 4a 01 d0 19 50 53 49 c0 78 b2 c8 b3 df b8 fa 2b a1 8d 3c 25 a8 fa 9f fd ee
ab c6 ff ff 36 6c 65 db bd 0d 40 2d 96 c1 da 85 f2 07 4f 2a 4b 2d c6 a8 ad 29 e7 28 8b ac 56 91 a5 73 ec 24 da 56 ba 13 95 09 54 77 a0 6e 74 90

Is this the kind of output expected in AES 256??

  1. When trying to store the values in the df, it just stored the 1st component, i.e. 14, considering the above example. How can the entire value be stored in the respective rows??



  • Instead of a for loop, you can use map from the purrr package. map can store the result in your dataframe as a list.

    key <- PKI.genRSAkey(2048)
    # create some helper functions
    encrypt <- function(x){
      # function assumes you already created a RSA key called key
      x <- charToRaw(x)
      e <- PKI.encrypt(x, key)
    decrypt <- function(x) {
      # function assumes you already have a key called key
      e <- PKI.decrypt(x, key)
      x <- rawToChar(e)
    #  encrypt the first name
    df$ip <- map(df$fname, encrypt)
    'data.frame':   3 obs. of  5 variables:
     $ fname  : chr  "aas" "asdw" "erf"
     $ lname  : chr  "das" "gup" "fre"
     $ city   : chr  "Mum" "del" "Sfo"
     $ country: chr  "IN" "IN" "US"
     $ ip     :List of 3
      ..$ : raw  10 06 f5 2d ...
      ..$ : raw  42 e5 d7 6f ...
      ..$ : raw  7d 48 66 be ...

    check if everything works

    identical(df$fname, unlist(map(df$ip, decrypt)))
    [1] TRUE


    df <- structure(list(fname = c("aas", "asdw", "erf"), 
                         lname = c("das","gup", "fre"), 
                         city = c("Mum", "del", "Sfo"), 
                         country = c("IN", "IN", "US")), 
                    .Names = c("fname", "lname", "city", "country"), 
                    class = "data.frame", 
                    row.names = c(NA, -3L))