I have two inline views that I can join via the classic join method. Results are as expected.
However, trying to adapt to JOIN ON syntax, I cannot see how. Restriction? WITH required? Or need to create two separate views and then apply - I presume will work. Cannot find anything in this regard.
The view is as follows, trying to get a match between BUY and SELL.
select BUY.*, SELL.* from (
select Z.*, 'LONG' from (
select X.commodity, X.market_place, X.max_qty, Y.maturity_dt, rank() over
(partition by X.commodity, X.market_place order by y.maturity_dt ASC) as
(select commodity, market_place, max(qty) as max_qty
where prod_type = 'future'
and qty > 0
group by commodity, market_place
) X,
open_positions Y
where Y.qty = X.max_qty
and Y.commodity = X.commodity
and Y.prod_type = 'future'
and Y.market_place = X.market_place ) Z
where Z.rank_val = 1 ) BUY,
select Z.*, 'SHORT' from (
select X.commodity, X.market_place, X.min_qty, Y.maturity_dt, rank() over
(partition by X.commodity, X.market_place order by y.maturity_dt ASC) as
(select commodity, market_place, min(qty) as min_qty
where prod_type = 'future'
and qty < 0
group by commodity, market_place
) X,
open_positions Y
where Y.qty = X.min_qty
and Y.commodity = X.commodity
and Y.prod_type = 'future'
and Y.market_place = X.market_place ) Z
where Z.rank_val = 1) SELL
where BUY.commodity = SELL.commodity
and BUY.market_place = SELL.market_place
Not possible, need to make a view first