In my system users can't register. Admin adding all users in the admin panel and telling them your password is "xxx". Right now i need to send mail to users. Which contains users email and users password. System is working great. But there is one exception. In the mail, passwords is bcrypted. How can i solve? I don't any clue. I am using observers. In the model:
public static function boot()
self::created(function () {
$customer = Customer::latest()->get()->first();
Mail::send('emails.user_login_informations', ['customer' => $customer], function($message) use($customer) {
$message->to($customer->email, $customer->name, $customer->password)
->subject('Login Information');
ps: this is working. In my mail:
Your email:
Your Password: $2y$10$/GW5XNH9KGU.Nz05PZHFJuKb2ldhwYhS8oMX9e7HJIuFNJ
But this looks like:
Your email:
Your Password: 123
You can create a temporary password field and delete it upon user activation. I needed this for a real world example. For instance:
Event::listen('rainlab.user.activate', function($user) {
$user->temp_password = null;
User::saving(function ($user) {
$password = post('User.password');
if ($password && ! $user->attributes['is_activated']) {
$user->temp_password = $password;
As mentioned above though, this includes a big security risk.