I use Carthage in my project
Contents of Cartfile:
github "socketio/socket.io-client-swift" ~> 13.1.0
Contents of Cartfile.resolved
github "daltoniam/Starscream" "3.0.5"
github "socketio/socket.io-client-swift" "v13.1.3"
When I run carthage update --platform ios
I get the following output:
*** Fetching socket.io-client-swift
*** Fetching Starscream
*** Checking out socket.io-client-swift at "v13.1.3"
*** Checking out Starscream at "3.0.5"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in ...
The dependency graph contained a cycle:
socket.io-client-swift: Starscream
Starscream: zlib-spm, common-crypto-spm
My Carthage version is 0.29.0
Judging by the output there is no cycle in the dependencies
How can this be resolved?
I finally got it to build again by simply deleting the Carthage folder and running carthage update