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golang background worker process inside api view

We are planning to move to golang from django.

To send an email or sms, we do celery workers with redis/rabbotmq in Django. But how can we do that background tasks on golang.


def api_view():

 // logic

 // celery tasks- call email/sms service

 // immediate response to client
 return Response()

How can we do in golang

fun ApiView(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){


 // need to call email/sms service

 fmt.Fprintf(w, "TEST")

Is there anything we can start new go routine (without additional redis/workers) inside the API view of gorilla/mux ?



  • Yes! As comments stated you can spawn a new go routine within the context of your view. The goroutine gets its own stack and allows it to operate "asynchronously" from the view handling function:

    func ApiView(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
     // need to call email/sms service
     go sendEmail(someEmailAddress)
     fmt.Fprintf(w, "TEST")

    This will execute sendEmail using a go routine and immediately write TEST to the caller.

    While trivial it is not equivalent to celery redis/rabbitmq:

    • How do you handle failures?
    • How do you bound concurrency (worker pool)
    • How do you buffer tasks? (ie currently in rabbitmq it is out of process)
    • How do you retry?
    • Should the async task be in a different process/memory space?

    None of the above are particularly difficult, and completely doable (and plenty of patterns/blogs/libraries exist for doing this exact thing)