I haven't been able to find a similar question with an answer I can use, hopefully I am not overlooking another one.
I am wanting to build a query that returns items where a value is NOT IN a group_concat. Let me show with an example:
I have a table of exercises:
id | ExerciseName
1 | Squat
2 | Deadlift
3 | Bench Press
4 | Deadlift Hex Bar
Then I have a separate table that shows what equipment each of these uses:
id | ExerciseId | EquipmentId
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 20
3 | 2 | 1
4 | 3 | 47
Then I have a separate table that shows what the name of each equipment:
id | name_en
1 | Barbell
2 | Squat Rack
3 | Dumbbell
Now, I have a query I am running that can select exercises, and I want to query exercises WHERE the equipment is available for a user. So let's say a User does not have Equipment with Id = 1. Then I would want to return Exercise 3 only. Currently, in my query, I am getting Exercise 1 and 3, and it is doing this because Exercise 1 does have Equipment Id = 1, but it also has another that is not equal to Equipment Id = 1 (as it is Id = 20).
we.id ExerciseId,
we.name_en ExerciseName
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT weeq.name_en ORDER BY weeq.name_en SEPARATOR ', ') Equipment
FROM workouts_exercise we
JOIN workouts_exercise_equipment weeq ON weeq.exercise_id = we.id
JOIN workouts_equipment weq ON weq.id = weeq.equipment_id
WHERE weq.id NOT IN ("1")
GROUP BY we.id
The results of this, as mentioned previously are like this:
ExerciseId | ExerciseName | Equipment
1 | Squat | 20
3 | Bench Press | 47
when in reality, all I want is this:
ExerciseId | ExerciseName | Equipment
3 | Bench Press | 47
One approach would be to use an anti-join to filter off exercises which use one or more of the equipment which you want to exclude:
we1.EquipmentId AS Equipment
FROM workouts_equipment we1
LEFT JOIN workouts_equipment we2
ON we1.ExerciseId = we2.ExerciseId AND
we2.EquipmentId IN (1)
INNER JOIN workouts_exercise ex
ON we1.ExerciseId = ex.id
we2.ExerciseId IS NULL;