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Encountering 'Invalid metadata blob' when I want to backup data?

those is what happened when I wanna backup some data from influxdb:

[root@bj-collection-01 opt]# influxd backup -database cliReport -host localhost:8086 /opt/clireportbak/
2018/04/16 10:17:12 backing up metastore to /opt/clireportbak/meta.00
2018/04/16 10:17:12 Invalid metadata blob, ensure the metadata service is running >(default port 8088)
backup: invalid metadata received

but,when I type netstat -ntlp,I found:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13782/influxd


  • Do you try to use >localhost:8086 as your host parameter? Then that > might be the error. On a remote connection, I'm encountering the same error! But from the machine running influxdb it works if I omit the -host parameter.