I am having a form with a textbox and a list box. I want to enter a new record into the textbox to populate the table and listbox (listbox row source is the table). I have written a code to prevent duplicate entry into the table. When there is a duplicate entry I am getting a pop up to alert the user. What is not working is the undo option to clear the textbox. The code is pasted below with some required info. Any help with the code will be appreciated.
Table name: tblNewComponents
Field name: NewComponents
Textbox name: TextCOMPONENTS
Can someone help me? Thanks
Private Sub TextCOMPONENTS_AfterUpdate()
Dim NewComponent As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim custNo As Integer
'Assign the entered customer name to a variable NewCustomer
NewComponent = Me.TextCOMPONENTS.Value
stLinkCriteria = "[NewComponents] = " & "'" & NewComponent & "'"
If Me.TextCOMPONENTS = DLookup("[NewComponents]", "tblNewComponents", stLinkCriteria) Then
MsgBox "This Component, " & NewComponent & ", has already been entered in database." _
& vbCr & vbCr & "Please check the component name again.", vbInformation, "Duplicate information"
end if
exit sub
Just do this to clear the textbox (and set the focus into it)
Me.TextCOMPONENTS.Value = Null
instead of Me.Undo